Friday, July 1, 2016

Manchester, Day 1

I arrived safely in Manchester this morning around 8:30AM. Update: that screaming child I mentioned in my last post? Yeah, sat right behind me on my flight.

The Lufthansa flight was nice, but it was definitely not BusinessFirst on my first flight - I got a bit spoiled on that one as my first flight. Regardless, it got me to where I needed to go and was a good experience. It was a short flight, so I didn't need the reclining bed or a full meal. The people were very nice and helpful. It would have been a super nice flight if it hadn't been for the screaming the whole flight.

I got my first stamp in my passport after getting off the plane. The customs worker who was checking my passport asked me almost immediately: "Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?" I was 0% surprised. I told him neither and we had a good laugh. I grabbed my baggage afterward (Thank you Jesus for making sure it got there!!!) and then I was very quickly able to find my host family holding a cute sign for me.

Since then, I've been spending the day with them and having lots of fun exploring the area surrounding their neighborhood, which is stunningly beautiful. I felt like I had good energy until around 4PM, and I ended up needing a short nap. I still felt wonky until we ate dinner, and now am still feeling tired but not as woozy as before. I doubt I'll stay up very late, as I am immediately jumping in to helping out with a youth group outing tomorrow. I'm very excited to be getting started so soon. I met a few of the local teenagers today, and they were so excited by my accent (I have an accent???). It sounds like there is a lot planned and I'm so excited to be able to start experiencing it all.

Please be praying for Ivy Church, Eden Network, and the many people of Manchester who have yet to receive the good news of our Lord Jesus!


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